

Rivers Wash Over Me (2009)

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After his mother dies, Sequan, a sensitive teenager from Brooklyn, moves in with relatives living in a small town plagued with secrets hidden deep within its lush, rural Alabama terrain. Sequan finds refuge in a friendship with a troubled girl who astutely hones in on his true sexuality and introduces him to her cute brother.
Julia Carothers Hughes as Celeste Anderson
Darien Sills-Evans as Charles King
Sonequa Martin as Shawna King
Paul Kelly as Mr. Hack
Leslie Jones as LuEllen
Elizabeth Dennis as Lori Anderson
Terrance Epps as Coach Williams
Tina Jetter as Charity
Cameron Mitchell Mason as Michael Willis
Derrick L. Middleton as Sequan Greene
Alain Lauture as Skinny Tim Buchanan
Conor Romero as Billy
Duane McLaughlin as Ahmed Robins
Aidan Schultz-Meyer as Jake Anderson
Xosha Roquemore as Racine Buchanan
Full cast

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There are countless movies that portray the struggle of facing one's own past, of bottling up emotions, and of searching for an authentic relationship with another person. Reign Over Me, however, stands out from the crowd in its achievements in storyline and acting. This is not a 9/11 piece, but rather a beautiful story about friendship, relationships, and the necessity of communication. As the film began, I found myself trying to analyze the lives of the characters, but as the movie progressed, it became so much more than the darkness in them. The film is more about what they come to find within themselves and how they grow to interact with others. Not to mention that Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle are fantastic actors... Sandler especially shines in a role filled with raw emotion and internal struggle. It's amazing how Mike Binder enables us to see and understand the characters on the levels at which they themselves attempt to be understood. A must-see, touching film.


Reign Over Me is a pleasant surprise of a movie that,I hope more people will see when it comes out on DVD,if they missed it in the theatres.The movie has great acting by Don Cheadle,and especially Adam Sandler.This isn't your typical Adam Sandler slapstick comedy,rather it is a dark drama,and a very powerful one.This is probably his best film performance of his career.This movie does have some comedy though.Some parts had me laughing out loud it was so funny.Definitely if you haven't seen it see it.


I was blown away by Adam Sandler in this movie. He's amazing! Don Cheadle is amazing! This movie really took me away and I fell right into the story line. One of my easily top 20 movies of all time! If you have not seen this movie, you HAVE TO RENT IT!! In fact, just go buy it because I know you'll love it. It's one of the movies that completely sucks you in and you can't help but cheer at the end! Do I dare say it..........yes he deserves it! An Oscar performance by the multitalented Adam Sandler.


The toughest thing about going to see an Adam Sandler movie is getting over the expectation stereotype for what you're likely to see him doing in the film. There have been glimpses of his dramatic abilities to date, but most of what we've seen is "Opera Guy" wearing different costumes. If you're looking for that guy, don't waste your money. But, if you're looking for a smart and beautiful film with great acting, cinematography and dialogue......grab a smart and deep date and make haste to catch this film while it's still on the big screen. In Reign Over Me, while A.S. does get a chance to "act out" from time to time, and there are a few "Sandlerisms", they're all - for the first time - within the construct of a multi-dimensional character whose situation and surroundings call for them - without having them define the scope of his work in the film or the reason why he was cast. EmJ


...you know, Adam Sandler in an unexpected role, he does a fantastic job in this movie. I watched it expecting it to be laborious and boring, but was enthralled by the ease in which he portrayed the role. Absolutely a movie for anyone looking for a tug on the heart strings. Sat up after watching it and had to say out loud, "that was a great movie."

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